Le dessin et son code :
<svg id="Duck" viewBox="-0.5 -85 291 166"> <title>Contour of a duck</title> <g id="duck"> <desc>This is the contour (using b-spline curves) of a simple ugly duckling.</desc> <path d="M 0 0 c 40 48 120 -32 160 -6 c 0 0 5 4 10 -3 c 10 -103 50 -83 90 -42 c 0 0 20 12 30 7 c -2 12 -18 17 -40 17 c -55 -2 -40 25 -20 35 c 30 20 35 65 -30 71 c -50 4 -170 4 -200 -79 z"/> </g> </svg>
Source : I. Hermann
Vincent Quint |
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