@inproceedings{Laborie09a, author = {Sébastien Laborie and Jérôme Euzenat and Nabil Layaïda}, title = {Semantic Multimedia Document Adaptation with Functional Annotations}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization, SMAP'09}, publisher = {IEEE}, location = {San Sebastián, Spain}, month = dec, year = 2009, url = {http://wam.inrialpes.fr/publications/2009/SMAP09.pdf}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, abstract = {The diversity of presentation contexts for multimedia documents requires the adaptation of document specifications. In an earlier work, we have proposed a semantic adaptation framework for multimedia documents. This framework captures the semantics of the document composition and transforms the relations between multimedia objects according to adaptation constraints. In this paper, we show that relying on document composition alone for adaptation restricts the set of relevant candidate solutions and may even divert the adaptation from the authors intent. Hence, we propose to introduce functional annotations to guide the adaptation process. Theses annotations allow to refine the role of multimedia objects in the document. We show that SMIL documents could embed functional annotations encoded in RDF. These multimedia documents are then adapted thanks to an interactive adaptation tool.} }