@ARTICLE{Layaida05b, AUTHOR = {Nabil Laya\"ida and Tayeb Lemlouma and Vincent Quint}, TITLE = {{NAC}, une architecture pour l'adaptation multim/'edia sur le web}, JOURNAL = {Technique et Science Informatiques {(TSI)}}, YEAR = 2005, VOLUME = 24, NUMBER = 7, PAGES = {789-813}, URL = {http://wam.inrialpes.fr/publications/2005/TSI-NAC.pdf}, ABSTRACT = {The Web is evolving towards richer contents and diverse media that are accessed with different devices through multiple kinds of network. This heterogeneous, mobile and changing environment requires that multimedia information delivered by servers be adapted to the actual conditions of use. For that purpose, a number of methods, languages, formats and protocols are developed, especially by W3C. The NAC architecture presented in this article was designed and implemented based on these technologies, focusing on adaptation processing, on environment description models, on negotiation protocols, and on content transformations.} }