Global Competitive Cluster Minalogic
Autonomy project
Duration: Two years 2/2010 -- 2/2012
. Company: ST Micro, ST-Ericsson, EADS
. Research: INRIA (41%HM), UJF(LIG)
. Local IT companies: Ives, Raisonance
. Local transport companies: Semitag, Metro
. Telecom provider: Orange
Budget: 1960Keuros
Goal: Global indoor-outdoor localization and navigation system on mobile
for ill-seeing people based on:
Enhanced GPS, Zigbee-CSS network and Inertial sensors
WAM-INRIA Research in Autonomy (72 Man-Months)
. XML Language (navIndoor)for indoor navigation
. Tools for navIndoor
. ARA authoring (mobile mixing)
. Pedestrian routing with accessibility analysis
. Interactive Auditory Display
A presentation given at Foss4g in Tokyo (November 2011)