AMTime Class Reference

A time representation, based on standard time or tempo clock source. More...

#import <AMTime.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(id) - initWithTime:
 Creates a new time object.
(id) - initWithTime:isTimeTempoBased:
 Creates a new time object.
(double) - calcTime
 Calculates the resulting time value, taking into account the random offsets that may apply.
(double) - calcTimeWithTempo:
 Calculates the resulting time value, taking into account the random offsets that may apply.
(double) - calcTimeWithTempo:quantizer:isQuantizerTempoBased:
 Calculates the resulting time value, taking into account the random offsets that may apply.


 The base time value, in seconds or ticks.
BOOL isTimeTempoBased
 Indicate whether the time value is standard (seconds) or tempo-based (ticks).

Detailed Description

A time representation, based on standard time or tempo clock source.

Member Function Documentation

- (double) calcTime  

Calculates the resulting time value, taking into account the random offsets that may apply.

If tempo-based values are used, the global tempo clock of the sound manager will be used.

The time value in seconds.

- (double) calcTimeWithTempo: (double)  _tempo  

Calculates the resulting time value, taking into account the random offsets that may apply.

tempo The tempo to use to calculate tempo-based values.
The time value in seconds.

- (double) calcTimeWithTempo: (double)  _tempo
quantizer: (double)  _quantizer
isQuantizerTempoBased: (BOOL)  _isQuantizerTempoBased 

Calculates the resulting time value, taking into account the random offsets that may apply.

tempo The tempo to use to calculate tempo-based values.
quantizer The quantization value that will be used.
isQuantizerTempoBased Specifies if the quantization value is tempo-based or not.
The time value in seconds.

- (id) initWithTime: (AMValue *)  _time  

Creates a new time object.

time The time value in seconds.
The created time object.

- (id) initWithTime: (AMValue *)  _time
isTimeTempoBased: (BOOL)  _isTimeTempoBased 

Creates a new time object.

time The time value in seconds or ticks.
isTimeTempoBased Specifies if the time value is tempo-based or not.
The created time object.

Property Documentation

- (BOOL) isTimeTempoBased [read, write, assign]

Indicate whether the time value is standard (seconds) or tempo-based (ticks).

- (AMValue *) time [read, write, copy]

The base time value, in seconds or ticks.

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