Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AMAnimationAn animation allows to create realtime variations of a specified control parameter
AMChunkAn audio fragment embedding one ore more tracks that can be played in defined order or randomly
AMChunkInstanceA chunk element instance
< AMChunkListener >Provides a protocol for receiving events from chunk objects
AMControlSuperclass of all control objects
< AMControllable >Provides a protocol for retrieving controls from controllable objects
< AMControllableHierarchy >Provides a protocol for retrieving the closest corresponding control from a hierachy of controllable objects
AMCueA managed sound source controlled by time and/or events
AMCueInstanceA cue element instance
< AMCueListener >Provides a protocol for receiving events from cue objects
AMEventActionThis class allows to perform an action on a playable object, based on an event trigger
< AMIdentifiable >Provides a protocol for objects that can be uniquely identified
AMInstanceA generic object instance
< AMInstanciable >Provides a protocol for instanciable audio objects
< AMListenable >Provides a protocol for listenable objects that can send events to others
AMMix2DControlAllows to control the 2D mix parameters, such as volume and panorama
AMMix3DControlAllows to control the 3D mix parameters
< AMParentIdentifiable >Provides a protocol for objects that have a parent object that can be uniquely identified
AMParserLoads an A2ML file and initialize objects and structures from it
< AMPlayable >Provides a protocol for controlling playable objects
AMRandomValueA generic randomized value
AMSchedulerAn A2ML scheduler implementation
AMSectionA section allow to define separate audio groups for mixing
AMSoundThe most basic audio element object of the hierarchy
AMSoundControlAllows to control various sound parameters, such as pitch or rate
AMSoundInstanceA sound element instance
< AMSoundListener >Provides a protocol for receiving events from sound objects
AMSoundManagerThe global sound manager
AMSpawnControlControls the maximum number of instances of the parent
AMTempoControlControls the parent's tempo base
AMTimeA time representation, based on standard time or tempo clock source
AMTimeActionThis class allows to perform an action on a playable object, and is linked to a time interval relative to the scheduler initial time
AMTriggerControlAllows to control the trigger frequency of the parent
AMValueA generic determined value
AMVec3A 3-Dimension vector

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